All posts in: "Volunteer"

  1. Cyclone ELOISE – the 2021 early response

    Cyclone ELOISE was another one of those weather events that hit Mozambique. It was a tropical storm when over Madagascar. But the Mozambique current is…

  2. 2013 – Thanks for the aid – both ways!

    We needed a good aid team to deliver help in 2013. Thanks for the aid! Here, a volunteer and our trustee Clive Langmead thanks Manuel…

  3. Our ally in Mozambique – Sergio Ido!

    In Mozambique we have a key ally, Sergio Ido. He has been a friend of ours since 2007. In 2013 he was Wings Like Eagles’…

  4. The 2013 disaster response team assembles

    This is our disaster response team getting together. Clive Langmead (a Wings Trustee) meets Andrew Shipton (our helicopter pilot) to take the helicopter to Mozambique…

  5. Aid pilot Andrew Shipton – our helicopter pilot!

    Aid pilot Andrew Shipton is a fantastic part of our team.  He was our pilot for our 2013 flood response. Andrew Shipton is a current…

  6. Our 2013 response – and Wings’ ground coordinator, Clive Langmead!

    Our 2013 response was in a new area for us.  The Limpopo flooded.  The river is is southern Mozambique and many people live on the…

  7. A 2000 mile reconnaissance with Sergio!

    ‘Time spent on reconnaissance is never wasted.’ In order to make sure Wings could help in disaster response, Adrian Nance needed to see the ground…

  8. Volunteers have a day out – donated

    Volunteers flown to a lunch in Wiltshire. Why did we do it?  First this was a part of Clive Langmead’s flying to keep himself current…

  9. Climbing Kilimanjaro – fundraising

    Climbing Kilimanjaro is not for sissies!  And so it is a huge thrill to report that David Wilson made it to the top of Mount…

  10. A turbine rating for Clive

    This turbine helicopter has helped Clive Langmead to help us.  And we have taken another step towards better disaster response. Turbine understanding! Clive is a long…